Practice Areas
Frequently Asked Questions
Céline Dostaler Criminal Defence Lawyer
Domestic Assault
What is assault and battery?
What does domestic assault mean?
What is intimate partner violence?
What if the domestic assault victim wants the charges dropped?
What evidence can be used for and against me in domestic assault?
What can be done if I am falsely accused of domestic abuse?
Domestic Assault: What are the best defences?
How do I get Domestic Assault Charges Dropped?
Can I regain contact with my spouse after being charged with domestic assault?
Charged with a domestic assault, with a condition not to communicate with my spouse. What can I do?
What if my spouse does not attend court for trial?
What if my spouse does not want there to be any charges?
Without evidence of domestic assault, do I still have to go to court?
Sexual Assault
Defences against voyeurism in Canada
What is voyeurism?
Should you testify when charged with sexual assault?
What type of evidence can be used against me / to defend me in sexual assault?
What is sexual assault?
What are third-party records in sexual assault cases?
What is sexual consent and why is it important?
What happens if you are falsely accused of sexual assault?
What should I do if the police want to interview me about a sexual assault?
What are the best defences in sexual assault cases?
How do I get a sexual assault charge dropped?
Impaired driving
What are the penalties for driving under the influence of drugs?
Can I be charged with impaired driving if I wasn’t actually driving?
What’s the difference between “over 80” and impaired driving?
Can I beat an impaired driving charge?
What is securities fraud in Canada?
What are the penalties for corporate fraud?
How is tax avoidance different from tax evasion?
What is wire fraud in Canada?
What evidence can be used for / against me in a fraud trial?
What is the sentence for fraud?
What is criminal breach of trust in fraud?
What is the penalty for fraud?
How do I get fraud charges dropped?
What’s the best defence in a fraud case?
The police want to interview me about a fraud. What should I do?
What is fraud?
Dealing with the Police
Understanding When Police Can Search Your Vehicle Without a Warrant
What are my rights during a police interrogation?
What are my rights during a police stop?
What should I do if the police want to interview me?
When can the police arrest me?
When can the police search me?
What is Assault?
What is assault with a weapon?
What is assault causing bodily harm?
What is aggravated assault?
What if an assault victim doesn’t want to press charges?
What are the defences against assault charges?
How do I get assault charges dropped?
White Collar Crime
What is insider trading in Canada?
What is money laundering?
What if I'm being interviewed about a white-collar crime?
What are the best defences if I am charged with a white-collar crime?
What evidence can be used for me / against me with a white-collar crime?
What is the penalty for white-collar crime?
What is criminal breach of trust in white collar crime?
What is the sentence for white-collar crime?
What is white-collar crime?
What are the types of sentences for robbery?
What are the defences for robbery?
What is unlawfully in a dwelling-house?
What is break and enter?
What is robbery?
What is the legal age to own a firearm in Canada?
How do I legally transport a firearm in Canada?
What are the penalties for using a firearm when committing a crime?
Can I be charged with concealing a weapon?
What is a firearm offence?
How are firearms regulated in Canada?
When can the police seize my gun?
Can I get my firearm back from the police?
How do I get a firearms charge dropped?
Can you bring a firearm when visiting Canada?
What is a firearm?
Defences for those charged with firearm offences
What is drug paraphernalia and is it illegal in Canada?
What is the legal status of prescription drugs in Canada?
What are the rules around marijuana possession?
What is drug possession?
What is possession for the purpose of trafficking?
What is illegal drug importing?
What is illegal drug production?
What are my defences if charged with a drug crime?
What are the sentences for drug charges?
How do I get drug charges dropped?
Crimes Against Children
What is indecent exposure?
How do Canadian/U.S. child pornography laws compare?
What is the age of consent in Canada?
What is cyber child pornography?
What are my defences against a child pornography charge?
What are my defences against the charge of sexual interference?
What are my defences against child luring charges?
What is child pornography?
What is child luring?
What is sexual interference?
What is armed robbery?
How do I get the charge of possession of stolen property dropped?
What are my defences for possession of stolen property?
What is possession of stolen property?
How do I get theft charges dropped?
What are my defences against theft charges?
What is theft?
What are the laws around hacking in Canada?
What is cyberstalking?
What is the penalty for online piracy?
What is ransomware?
What is the offence of sharing online intimate pictures?
What is cyber child pornography?
What is harassment / cyberbullying?
What is identity theft / fraud?
What is cyber extortion?
What is phishing?
Explaining the Process for Appealing a Bail Decision in Canada
What is the purpose of bail and why is it granted?
Practice Areas
Sexual Assault
Domestic Assault
Drug Offence
White Collar Crime
Police Obstruction
Search and Seizure
Weapons Possession
Impaired Driving (DUI) & Over .80
Theft and Shoplifting
Child Pornography
Young Offender
Bail Hearings and Bail Reviews
Free Initial Consultation